Multiple Selection ProView now allows selecting of more than a single item. Multiple selections may be moved, cut, copied, pasted just the same as a single selection. They may also be dragged and dropped from page to page within ProView; and depending on the items in the selection, they may be dropped into other programs supporting drag and drop. The selection outline for a multiple selection is slightly thinner than that of a single selection. Each item of the selection is outlined. No “grow box” is attached to a multiple selection. Growing a multiple selection is not supported. While multiple items are selected (or copied), the menu functions will now “Cut Items” or “Paste Items” and so on. Drag selecting Multiple items may be selected by clicking on the page and dragging the cursor across the items to be selected. All items that intersect the “drag rect” will be included in the selection. By holding down the shift key while drag selecting, each item intersecting the “drag rect” that is not selected will be added to the selection. Items already selected that intersect the “drag rect” will be removed from the selection. Shift -Click selecting While one or more items are selected, shift-clicking on an item not selected will add it to the selection. Shift-clicking an item already include in a multiple selection will remove it from the selection. NOTE: When Items are added to a single selection, the selection outline change to the multi-selection outline without a “grow box”. When all but one of the items are removed from a multiple selection, the selection once again will have a single selection outline. You may also use the “Select All” selection in the EDIT menu to select all items. (See New Key Commands below.) Items Info Selecting “Items Info...” from the PAGE menu or clicking on the “Info” button on the toolbar while there are multiple items selected will bring up the “Items Info” dialog box. The dialog box reports how many items are selected. This number is of course not editable. Also, the top and left coordinates of the largest rectangle that could enclose all of the items is reported. These coordinates are relative to the page and may be changed. If the coordinates are change and “OK” is pressed the objects will move together to the new location. (Just try it - you’ll see what we mean.)